Bloody Mary the drink and the ghost at Ta-boo Restaurant

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGhosts of Palm Beach Blog 5 Ta-boo Restaurant and Bloody Mary © 2017 by Dr. Philip Ernest Schoenberg, Ghost with a Blog #ghost
Legend claims that the “Bloody Mary” was invented as a wake-up drink for Barbara Hutton at this bar! Ever since, sober or not, her ghostly presence has been reported. The drink was named after the unfortunate Queen of the Scots who lost her head by order of her cousin Queen Elizabeth of England. JFK sometimes pays a ghostly visit where he can be seen ordering a Bloody Mary!
Legend claims that a mother and her two children were dining at this wonderful restaurant not long after the Hutton drink became popular. The mother was encouraged to try the drink special that the restaurant was then known for. As the children’s mom enjoyed her cocktail, the children began discussing the game named after the former queen. Finally, the kids go into the restroom to try to conjure “the Queen.” They then continuously shouted “bloody Mary” in front of the Ta-boo bathroom mirror.
The ill-fated queen made her presence known at the mirror by her hand dripping blood, and attempting to break the mirror to scratch, or enter the room which scared the daylights out of her audience.
Almost instantly, a yelp was heard from outside the door and the children came scrambling out just after. The one child was hysterical and the other completely mute. The sibling not speaking had suffered a scratch to the face. The other went on wildly about how her sister was attacked in the bathroom by a ghost
As crowding adults are trying to make sense of the situation, the finger began to turn to the frantic sister. Back then, there were relatively two kinds of mental health; crazy and not crazy! The outcome was the child so desperately trying to explain what happened that day was accused of attacking her sister and was even briefly institutionalized at a mental ward for hearing voices. The only person in this world who could have come to her defense that day was her sister who never spoke of the incident again.
Decades ago, rumor has it that a highly reputable movie star had a run in with a Ta-boo spirit. The speculation goes on and it’s said the talent was anyone from Clark Gable to one of the descendants of the Huttons. In any case, it goes that the actor and their two daughters were dining here for brunch. This Palm Beacher had an occasional love for the late hour Palm Beach cocktail parties and had overdone it the night before. It was the custom to come to Ta-boo for the all time favorite day after cure, the Bloody Mary.